Treat all members with respect. No harassment, hate speech, or personal attacks.
Disagreements are fine, but keep it civil and constructive.
Before creating a topic, make sure you're posting in the correct category or subforum.
Check if a similar thread already exists before starting a new one.
Keep discussions relevant to the thread. If you want to talk about something else, start a new topic.
No excessive spam, trolling, or off-topic posts.
No pornography, gore, or anything inappropriate.
No illegal activities, including hacking, cheats, or piracy discussions.
You can share content related to the community (gameplay clips, guides, etc.), but blatant advertising or spam isn’t allowed.
Twitch/YouTube promotion should go in the Content Creators section.
Don't bump threads repeatedly unless there's new, useful info.
Don’t revive old, inactive threads unless your reply is relevant.
Avoid excessive caps, special characters, or unreadable text.
Keep posts in English unless otherwise stated in the forum.
If you see a rule violation, report it to the mods instead of arguing.
Don't publicly call out players—use private messages or reports.
If discussing a Dawn Of The Walkers game server, make sure to follow its rules and avoid posting exploits or unfair advantages.
Mods/Admins have the final say. If your post is edited, moved, or removed, respect the decision.
If you disagree, discuss it privately rather than arguing in public threads.
Breaking the rules may result in:
We’re here to build an awesome, friendly, and engaging community. Let’s keep the forums a great place for discussion!
- The Dawn Of The Walkers Admin Team